Made for Love, Kept by Love

"He that made all things for love, by the same love keepeth them, and shall keep them without end."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 8)

God made us. He didn't make us to manipulate or control us, to use us, or to make us work for His own ends. He made us to love us. He wanted to expand His family, so He created us, His human children. Parents have children to love them, to include them in the family, to share themselves with them, to enjoy being with them. And it is just the same with God our Father and us, His children. All He wants to do is love us. He loves us with no agenda, no means to an end. He just loves us. And by this love He preserves us and keeps us safe. Our good Father won't let anything ultimately happen to us, His children. He will protect us in life and even after this life. We will always be safe in Him, because He loves us, and that's just what love does. It always protects. And His love will never fail us or let us down, for love always perseveres. Our purpose is simply to be loved, and we will be embraced, held up and supported by love no matter what, forever. We belong with Him and we are always loved and cherished, both now and forever!

"I will always love you."

Jeremiah 31:3 (CEV)

A Prayer: Thank You that You created me just to love me!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14