"He is everything that is good and comfortable for us."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 5)
He is everything that is good. Every thing He does relating to us, every way He is with us is good and kind. And He is a comfortable God. He makes us feel comfortable, not nervous or awkward or insecure. He fits us perfectly. He puts us at ease. He makes us feel everything is just perfect, just as it should be. Everything good and comfortable that comes to us in this life is a picture Him, a gift from this good and comfortable God. We can relax and sink into this wonderful God who is always good to us and always comforting to us. He is like a big soft easy chair we can curl up in and fall asleep on a warm summer afternoon, feeling so cozy and fine!
"I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Matt. 11:30 (MSG)
A Thought: O God, You are so easy to be with!