"For He hath no despite of that He hath made, nor hath He any disdain to serve us at the simplest office that to our body belongeth in nature, for love of the soul that He hath made to His own likeness."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 6)
He is a God who serves us in our most rudimentary needs. He meets every need and cares for every concern, no matter how simple or small. He cares about all the workings of our bodies, right down to the most basic ones. He is watching over our physical health to keep everything running well and in order, and He is watching over our psychological and mental health, giving support and strength, doing it all for love. He cares about every ache and pain we have in our bodies and every sadness, fear, anxiety or frustration we have in our souls. And He is always at work to bring His wholeness to each of our wounds. We are made in His likeness and He understands and sympathizes fully with the workings of our soul, mind, emotions and body. He takes care of our whole person.
"You are His personal concern."
1 Pet.5:7 (PHILLIPS)
A Prayer: Thank You for caring not just about my spirit but about my soul and body needs, too.