"For His Goodness comprehendeth all His creatures and all His blessed works, and overpasseth without end. For He is the endlessness, and He hath made us only to Himself, and restored us by His blessed Passion, and keepeth us in His blessed love; and all this of His Goodness."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 5)
God is good to every single person, and His goodness overflows all of His creation. It is an overpassing goodness that never ends. He is endless goodness, always being kind to us, always loving us, always showing us tenderness, always taking care of us, always doing good things for us, always blessing us. Our lives are simply filled to overflowing with the goodness and love of God. The most beautiful ways He has been good to us are that He made us all to be His very own beloveds, He restored us all through Christ when we had lost sight of that relationship with Him, and He keeps us within His tender and safe love always. We didn't have to do a single thing to 'get' God to be good to us in these ways or in any other way. He is just plain good to us because He loves to be good to us. That's just who He is. He is good. And that's ALL He is. He is just ALL goodness, overflowing and overpassing goodness that passes all human understanding!
"The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all His creation."
Psalm 145:9 (NLT)
A Prayer: You are always so good to us!