"For the Goodness of God is the highest prayer, and it cometh down to the lowest part of our need."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 6)
To rest in the goodness of God is the highest prayer. He truly is good and so He will certainly hear and answer all our prayers. He is always thinking of us, and He cares about whatever is on our mind. Nothing is too trivial to be prayed about or cared for by God. He is a kind God who serves us and loves meeting our most basic needs. He is nothing but good and won't send pain or sickness or sorrow or suffering on us, but only give good gifts like love and healing and peace and joy. Our Papa is good. He's taking care of everything for us. We can truly rest in the goodness of God.
"Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me."
Psalm 103:2 (NLT)
A Prayer: I'm so thankful that You are only GOOD to me.