All Shall Be Well

"But Jesus, who in this Vision informed me of all that is needful to me, answered by this word and said: It behoved that there should be sin; but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 27)

We don't understand why sin had to be. We can imagine the innocent state of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and wonder if it wouldn't have been better to just stay in that state and not have any experience of sin and its effects. It is true that for some reason, sin is part of how the story of humanity has played out. Yet we are assured that "all shall be well." Even though sin is terrible and problematic, God has worked within a history containing sin to bring about His perfect good. We can be sure that no matter what failure we have in our lives, no matter what wrong anyone has done, that all shall be well. We won't be tormented by sin forever. One day all shall be well, and Christ has already begun such a scenario through His resurrection. He has already pulled all of humanity into new life in Him, a life with no sin at all! A place where all is well for all eternity! We are waking up to the joy of living from this wonderful spiritual reality even in this life, and one day this resurrection life will be fully manifested and realized for all and in all. It will be a life in perfect union with God, a life where there is only good and no evil, only light and no darkness, only love and no hate. And truly, all shall be well!

"You know that Christ came to take away sins and that there is no sin in Christ."

1 John 3:5 (NCV)

A Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for bringing me up with You into resurrection life, Your life, where there is no sin and all is well. Thank You that Your resurrection life will fill all people and things so that all shall be well!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14