"Our soul shall never have rest till it cometh to Him, knowing that He is fullness of joy, homely and courteous, blissful and very life."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 26)
Many times we can feel weary and beaten down from all the circumstances and challenges of life. We need a place of rest and relaxation, where our worries and struggles fall away and we feel calm and light. Jesus is that place of rest. He is inside us, always being peace, always being calm, always being joy, and He draws us inward not to 'do' anything but to just 'be' with Him. He is all we need. His mood of peace and joy is contagious. We just can't be down in His presence. He is homely, comfortable to be with like a best friend or close family member that we can be ourselves with, laugh and smile with, and just enjoy being with without having to say a word. He is also courteous, like a kind and hospitable friend who defers to us, puts our needs first, and lavishes us with care and pampering. He is a place of rest, relaxation and fun, a place where we feel we can breathe easy again, where we can feel lightened and refreshed again. Being with Him we feel invigorated and truly alive. Noone else can love us like Jesus can. Noone else is the friend to us that Jesus is. We have found our ultimate place of rest in Him!
"I have called you My friends."
John 15:15 (AMPC)
A Prayer: Thank You for being my Best Friend. Everything about You puts my mind and heart at rest!