"Our good Lord said full blissfully: Lo, how that I loved thee, as if He had said: My darling, behold and see thy Lord, thy God that is thy Maker and thine endless joy, see what satisfying and bliss I have in thy salvation; and for my love rejoice [thou] with me."
Julian of Norwich (ch. 24)
Do we realize we are God's beloved ones? Let's hear Jesus calling to us, "My darling" and saying to us, "Lo, how I love you!" We are His dear darlings. We are so precious to Him, so cherished and wanted and loved that we can't even begin to comprehend it. He loves us, He loves us, He loves us. All He ever does is love us. We are His very own beloveds, His dearly beloveds. And He is our endless joy! He is the one who makes us completely happy, the one who only brings joy and bliss! He is so happy that we are rescued and free to bask in His love. He is so glad we are His very own forever. Let's rejoice with Him that the darkness of sin and death is destroyed by the light of His grace and love, by the complete work He did to set us free! Now He has all of eternity to lavish His love on us, and we have all of eternity to bask in the bliss of His love!
"You are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you."
Isaiah 43:4 (ESV)
A Prayer: Thank You for calling me your dear darling!