Christ is All

"Our Lord Jesus oftentimes said: I it am, I it am: I it am that is highest, I it am that thou lovest, I it am that  thou enjoyest, I it am that thou servest, I it am that thou longest for, I it am that thou desirest, I it am that thou meanest, I it am that is all."

We are born with a natural longing for our Maker, Source and Father. We all come from Christ because Christ is the foundation of our being, like the root the tree of humanity grows from. We are wired to naturally long for our source and foundation, just like babies naturally long for their mother. Jesus is the One we love and enjoy deep in our spirit, where our spirit is always communing with the Spirit of Christ. Christ is everything. Christ is what it is all about and the One who will give our lives meaning, joy, peace and true satisfaction. And Christ is within each person, making himself known and waiting for each person to simply turn within and encounter Him there, so that He can lavish love on us and meet our deepest needs of acceptance and belonging. What a wonderful Source, Savior and Friend!

"He is all I ever need,"

Psalm 73:26 (GNT)

"He satisfies the longing soul."

Psalm 197:9 (ESV)

A Prayer: You are everything to me!

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May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14