"There be deeds evil done in our sight, and so great harms taken, that it seemeth to us that it were impossible that ever it should come to good end. And upon this we look, sorrowing and mourning therefore, so that we cannot resign us unto the blissful beholding of God as we should do. And the cause of this is that the use of our reason is now so blind, so low, and so simple, that we cannot know that high marvellous Wisdom, the Might and the Goodness of the blissful Trinity."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 32)
If we are honest, we can see many terrible things happening in this world that hurt many people. So many suffer and it is hard to see how all that evil, wrong, hatred and suffering could 'come to a good end.' It's tempting to give up in despair and feel all is lost, or even get angry with God for allowing such terrible things to happen, making it very hard for us to feel at rest or be able to just enjoy rest in God. But God knows that our minds are very simple and our understanding very limited. Compared to God's great wisdom, our human reasoning is blind, and we just can't see the whole picture like God can. Even though we can't understand how all the problems in this world could be turned into good, God knows and is wise enough and strong enough and loving enough to turn all to good, and He will do just that. His restoration and happy ending will be beyond our wildest hopes and imaginings. For now, He wants us to be reassured and that is why He gives us the promise that 'all shall be well.'
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!"
Ephesians 3:20 (MSG)
A Prayer: Thank You that You hold the future in Your hands, and You promise it will be a good future for us all!