
We just need Someone to love us.

"He cares for you."

1 Peter 5:7

It seems what we want most is just to know we are loved by someone - thought of, cared about, noticed, cherished..And there is Someone who loves us like we've always wanted - our Father God! He is that Someone who thinks of us, values us, believes in us, thinks we're wonderful...that Someone who is committed to us, will be there for us, won't let us down..that Someone who assures us that we matter, we're important, we're precious...that Someone who understands us , accepts us, likes us, wants us, enjoys having us around, couldn't be without us!

A Prayer: Thank You, Papa, for loving us infinitely, for Your love is like a great, deep ocean that we can't even fathom..May everyone sense Your love for them today!

The Moment of Awakening

Hearing the good news is like waking up from a bad dream and finding yourself safe at home!

"I will behold Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness."

Psalm 17:9

Wonderful! When we awaken to His finished work, see that it's already done and we are standing face to face with Him, with no spot or flaw, just standing before Him covered over with His love, an amazing thing happens!

Faith, as I see it now, is just relief and confidence that comes from perceiving reality - "I really am loved, I really am accepted, I really am included, I really am delivered, I really am pure, I really am innocent, I really am embraced, I really am in right and perfect relationship with Him, He really has forgiven me, He really has taken away my sin, He really has brought me home, He really has perfected me, He really has put me in contact with Him, He really is here with me right now, He really won't leave me or reject me..I'm home!"
And out of this awareness, we start having a real relationship with the One who has always loved us, and we are fused with Him and bonded with Him in such a way that we can never be separated from one another...the miraculous new creation that was birthed at the resurrection is now our living experience, and Jesus lives His life in and through us! His very Spirit fills us and overflows from us in Pure Love and rivers of Living Water! We've awakened to Love and we'll never be the same!

A Thought: HIs love awakens me to who I am in Him!

Innocent Children

We were created perfectly innocent, and innocence is our true nature.

"Your flawless innocence radiates.."

Philippians 2:15 (MWB)

Isn't it wonderful to know that we are truly innocent before Him, even in the midst of our 'hands in the cookie jar' moments, that our hearts are truly innocent and pure deep down, that there is NO shame, blame, guilting, condemning or punishment coming to us from our Daddy at all, ever!    He always sees and knows and relates to you just as you are - innocent, pure and sweet like a little tiny child!  Pure, untainted, unmarred, with only innocent thoughts and motives and intentions.  

He sees the deepest part of yourself and only sees His own image there!  We are made in the image of Love, Pure Love, vast and open and free, so how could we ever be anything else BUT that pure love?  We couldn't!  The source and wellspring of our very life is God, is a Pure Source, like sweet crystal clear water, a fountain of Perfect Love springing up from within giving us life, BEING our Life..and if the Source (God) is pure, the water springing from it (humanity) is pure

A Thought: I dance and play like an innocent child, made in the image of Love Himself!

This Love

We are loved beyond our wildest dreams!

"Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us, that we should be called the children of God."

1 John 3:1

This love...His love for us is almost unbelievable, truly unfathomable, and yet it is TRUE and REAL! We really are infinitely cherished, cradled, and loved - without condition, from before there ever was any 'condition' - by the Most Wonderful Being in the universe!

His love is so great, so vast, that we can never fully comprehend it or come to the end of it..His love is so tender and sweet that it melts all defenses...His love is so gentle and peaceful that it calms every fear...His love is so powerful that it shelters us from every lie of the enemy as he tries to tell us we are not loved...
This love is so alive, so magnetic, so beautiful, so fulfilling that in this love we actually see ourselves as He sees us and it is mind-blowing! And we find ourselves starting to believe that we really ARE the special, innocent, chosen, and beloved children that He says we are!
This love can't be defeated, stopped, or driven away..This love is here with us, for us, no matter what...This love will never, ever fail us, never let us down, and never lose us - we are safely home in His love for all eternity!

A Thought: I'm floating in the endless ocean of my Father's love for me!

A Place of Innocence

Before time began, God held me as a baby in His arms and adored me, His innocent child!

"Before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you."

Jeremiah 1:5

Before we were even born, He knew us. Before we were formed, before our life began, He already loved us. We already existed in the thoughts of God, in a place of complete beauty and innocence outside of time.   God had already wrapped us in love, given us kindness and love, and set us apart for Him. We were chosen and cared about, known and cherished, found in Christ before time began. That is the innocence we started from, the purity that we were created in.  And that is the innocence that we are eternally preserved in by being in Christ.  He has kept us in Him from the foundation of the world, and we have always been in Him in that wonderful place of simplicity and wonder, cherished as a little child in His arms.  We always have been and always will be His innocent ones!

A Thought: I have always been in a place of innocence and wonder with God!

Reflecting God's Nature

 We are reflections of God.

"God created human beings; He created them godlike, reflecting God's nature."

Genesis 1:27 (MSG)

It is truly awe-inspiring and almost unbelievable that we are in the image and likeness of God!  We give God so much joy just to look at us! He created us with delight, created humans as beings He could find likeness and relationship with. We are the image of God - His reflection, a mirror of Him. We are the likeness of God - like Him, therefore godlike. We are not God but we are His offspring, made like Him, with a similar nature to Him. What is the nature of God? It is love. That's what our true nature is! It is simply our nature to love, just like our Father God!

A Thought: The loving nature of God is radiating from me, His child!

Only Good

He only leads us into goodness, truth, joy and peace.

"Without exception God's gifts are only good; its perfection cannot be improved upon."

James 1:17 (MWB)

God is only good, and He only gives good gifts! He ONLY has peace and good will towards us. He will ONLY lead us into green pastures and beside still waters, He will ONLY give comfort and rest to our soul! The good news is ONLY good, the wisdom from above is ONLY peaceable and yielding good fruit, and the kingdom is ONLY righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit! We can be like little children and let Him lead us by the hand into all the beauty, love, acceptance, joy and peace He is to us.

A Thought: Only good is coming to us from God!

Child of Love

 "..the sunshine of Love and Truth penetrates our self-hatred and we 'see' what He has always seen, a child of love, just like Him ... Colin Lagerwall

"We are in Him, invented and defined in Him."

Ephesians 1:11 (MWB)

Let's testify: "I am a child of love - that love is at my core, and is at the core of every person!! To be made in His image and likeness means to be made in His image and likeness of LOVE, for God IS Love, and since I am His child, His offspring, I can even say that I am Love, as well...And that I am just like Him - compatible with Him, fitting in with Him perfectly, having His characteristics taking after my Daddy in His character of love. He is proud to call me His own child, and He sees the family likeness in me. Yet He doesn't just love me because He sees His traits in me, He loves me for ME, for the unique individual He created.. I have always been that, He has always seen me that way, for He had me in His mind before time began and I existed in His heart and mind way back then, and He has held onto that true me and never let that go, that has always been His reference for who I am..."

A Thought: I have always been His child of love!

Basic Goodness

There is a basic goodness and decency about every person God made.

"God made men and women true and upright."

Ecclesiastes 7:29

People are made by God in His own image and likeness. We inherently have the traits God our Father has, like righteousness, kindness and goodness. Our design is not faulty; we have been made with a good and true nature. There is an innate goodness about us; we are upright at the core, created this way. There is nothing wrong with the way we were made! Yes, we haven't always lived true to ourselves, or in accord with our true and good nature. But people are basically good. There is no need to put ourselves down or think of ourselves as dirty, inherently bad, sinful or unworthy. We may do dirty, bad, sinful or unworthy things, but that doesn't change how God made us - as beautiful, good-natured ones in His own image and likeness, and therefore good at the core!

A Thought: I was created innocent and good by God!


The End from the Beginning

"From the beginning all was well; we just needed reminding."

Andrew Weissel

"His works were finished from the foundation of the world."

Hebrews 4:3 (ESV)

God has always had the whole cosmos in His hand. He has had the end completed from the beginning. Nothing has been a surprise to Him, and He had taken care of the solution before there was a problem. We were chosen, graced, and loved before there was time. The Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world, before there was any sin for the Lamb to even take away. We see things in time. But God is eternal in the heavens, apart from time. So in God's economy, we were never even lost. In God's economy, we never even left home. In God's economy, we have always been at rest in Him! That is how secure our salvation is! It was always "done" and "finished" from the founding of the world!

A Thought: I have always been safe in His arms!

Inside Us

 "Utterly at home, He lives in us forever."

Julian of Norwich

"God, I love living with You."

Psalm 26:8

Because He is in us, our friendship with God is an inside job! He is right here inside our skin, walking through life with us. We can talk to Him right here inside our heart, and He's always talking to us and smiling at us, laughing at our jokes, feeling what we feel, enjoying life through our eyes. Our life is a story of the greatest friendship ever - the union relationship of God and man, happening right here inside us at every moment!

A Thought: God, You are My best Friend!

Unfailing Friend

"He says, 'I keep you most securely.'"

Julian of Norwich

"You'll never let me down."

Psalm 31:5 (MSG)

People can let us down. We can even let ourselves down. But He will never let us down or fail us! He is with us to the end of the road. We can always count on Him and lean on Him. We're so safe with this Perfect and Loyal Friend. He keeps us so securely, holds us so lovingly, and He will never let go!

A Thought: Jesus, You are the Friend I need.

Relax and Smile

"Good morning, little sunbeam, I am your source...I will be handling all your problems today. I won't be needing your help; just relax, shine, and have a great day!"

Francois Lange

"Lord, You do everything for me."

Psalm 138:8 (ICB)

There are so many challenges in life, so many things that can make us anxious or upset.  Yet He is the light inside us, no matter what dark times we face. God is our source, the source of all that is needed for every situation.  We shine like sunbeams but we don't have to worry about generating anything, because He is our source. All the light and strength we need comes from Him. We can relax and smile because He is handling everything for us, and His light has already conquered all darkness.

A Thought: I relax in His love and care.

The Safe Place

There is a wall of protection around us.

"The Lord is my life's fortress."

Psalm 27:1 (GW)

We are in Christ. That is where we are securely, constantly, reassuringly. His presence is a wall of protection around us, a fortress for our life. Calamity and trouble cannot get in. Anxiety and fear are not allowed entrance. Struggle and disease are barred from this wonderful safe place - His presence! His presence is all around us. He is enveloping us. He is keeping out any turmoil or evil that would hurt or upset us. In His presence we are perfectly safe! And this is where we always are, because we are always IN Christ!

A Thought: Fear and worry, danger and trouble cannot have me because I am in the fortress of Christ!

Our Protector

We are covered in His blanket of protection.

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

Psalm 91:1

We are not out there in the wild winds and storms of life, vulnerable and all alone. We are in Christ. We are in the shelter of the Most High. Right now He is covering us, blanketing us with His presence. That blanket of His loving presence protects us. No harm shall come to us. We are safe. He brings us to see this, and we rest. We relax. We snuggle down in His arms and fall asleep because He only makes us dwell in safety.

A Thought: It's so warm and cozy here in His arms.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14