Thoughts on Faith

When law goes out, sin goes out, unbelief goes out!

When grace comes in, faith comes in, rest comes in!

We don't have to 'work up' faith or seek to 'get' something to manifest, do we? Reality IS reality, whether it is completely seen, known, enjoyed or even manifested tangibly in every way. It's still true, and nothing can change that. What a relief!
In the past, I have seen faith in such a way that I have made it into a work, I think...I have almost seen it as a 'thing' that you put in God's 'blessing machine' in order to 'get out' some blessing like salvation, healing, etc....but that is really a law-based idea, isn't it? That isn't faith at all - that is works/performance/law! That way of thinking makes it all about 'me' and how much faith I can muster up, instead of it being all about relaxing because of Him and His perfect and complete work.
Faith is starting to seem different now, like a tired person resting in a hammock on a breezy day, or like a little baby falling asleep in it's mother's arms. Faith is starting to bring to mind images of rest rather than images of work, and I'm starting to equate faith with feelings of relief and peace rather than feelings of anxiety and pressure. I'm starting to see that it's God's faith that's important and central rather than my own, and that my faith is actually just the echo of His own faith within me, rising up from within me when the good news is shared with me.
Faith isn't a work we do at all!! It is really about enjoying a rest from all our work to make something happen/manifest, because we find out it's already happened by Jesus' work, not any of mine, and Jesus Himself is responsible for manifesting it, not me!

Faith seems like spiritual sight, I think...I think faith can be defined as 'seeing reality.'
Papa reveals the good news to me of my completeness in Him, and it is like He is turning on a light within my soul. When the light is on, it's natural and automatic to be able to see what's reality. So when the good news is shared with me, God is illuminating my heart, and with my spiritual eyes I naturally see reality!
How easy is THAT! No work or effort is needed on my part at becomes automatic, like breathing! Faith - wow - it's just God breathing in us!! The breath of life, the Spirit wind, the very Spirit of faith is flowing and moving and invigorating all the deepest places of our heart!

Faith is really just seeing what's already true, opening one's eyes to reality!
It's like finding out that where we've always longed to be, we already are - home with Papa, one with Him, safe in His arms!
It's like finding out that who we've always wished we'd become, we already are - perfect, beautiful, beloved children of God!
It's like finding out we ALREADY have the love we've always searched for!
It's like finding out we ALREADY are in the relationship with God we've always dreamed of!
Faith doesn't make any of this happen, it already happened, by God's perfect work completed before time began and revealed through Christ's finished work 2000 years's already true and real, more real than we can even fathom! He created us perfect and in utter oneness with Him, and Jesus freed us from any lie that told us otherwise so we could see and enjoy the truth that's always been true since before time itself!
Faith doesn't made things become true or make things real - Faith simply sees what IS true, what IS real!

We have resurrection life NOW!
It's time to stop worrying about 'having faith' and just enjoy the present reality of resurrection life and love with our Papa God!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14