The Safe Place - A Conversation

This facebook conversation with Fay Gillbanks Lagerwall encouraged me so much that I wanted it here on my is all about how we are already in the safe place of God's loving presence, and always have been!

Fay Gillbanks Lagerwall:FEAR NOT
When we discover this safe place, that there is NO thing to hide from God or each other...we discover this assurance, this sweet confidence that NO thing can or will ever separate us from our Father or each other.
Sparrow: Is the 'safe place' inside God? I have struggled in the past with feeling I need to 'get into' the safe place under His wings and then feeling I needed to somehow do something to 'abide' there. Somehow I saw it all as a work I had to do, but are you saying we are already in the safe place?
Fay Gillbanks Lagerwall: One thing I know is that nothing' can separate us from our Papa who is LOVE.
We never were separate, never can be and never will be. We come from Him and forever remain in Him. So yes I am saying...we are already in this safe place, safe in Papa....and we don't have to do a jolly thing to earn it. God is for us not against us...its a lie that we are disconnected from God. Have a look at John 14:20 if you feel like you need a bible verse..
Sadly we have been blinded to this truth, we have been sold the lie that we are no good, vile, depraved sinners and therefore have to work and apply self effort in order to become good enough and please god. By achieving this self improvement, we earn his favour and ultimately get into his good books which then leads towards the prize of gaining his approval and acceptance, and then finally receive the most highly coveted reward.... being close to him, being in his presence. So many people feel so far from God because of this lie. But the truth is ...every single one of us are one with with LOVE ...past, present and future ...Sadly not everyone has discovered this LOVE truth...... yet but wait
Sparrow: What a beautiful thing you are saying, that we are already in the safe place of His presence and love! We were never out of or separated from Him, were we? It was only in our mind, believing a lie? So I think when Jesus came to redeem/free us He came to free us from this lie you talk about!
It reminds me of a dream I had a few months ago..I asked God to give me a dream about heaven, and that night I dreamed I was in heaven with Jesus, and we were in a little hedged garden that was to be all my own, and He was telling me I could have anything I wanted in this garden...and we were planning it together, the plants, the pond, a waterfall, etc. And I remember the main feeling I had was of complete SAFETY - nothing to fear, nothing could harm me there! This is the safe place, isn't it, it is His presence, and oh to think we do not have to wait but we are already there! I have struggled with fear so much and just to know such safety and that we were always in union with Him, always with Him, always safely in His arms of love and never rejected or disowned, always accepted and protected..thank you for sharing this beautiful truth..I want it to just soak in..
Fay Gillbanks Lagerwall Absolutely...we have only been separated by our wrong thinking, but never in reality. The lie that we are not good enough keeps us groveling, , keeps us feeling weak, tired, shameful, condemned, failures.... which keeps us trying harder......and so the cycle goes. But once our Papas love truth hits home to our heart and we know this truth...that we have always been his treasures,his loved ones, his precious adored ones, that His opinion of us is of the highest measure! we begin to LIVE in freedom, peace, joy and rest...content in beauty of His LOVE. What a beautiful is discovered alone with our Papa...only He can reveal these truths to us our hearts....its the narrow road that Jesus pointed us to, the road of LOVE that leads to abundant LIFE. Soak and find rest..

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14