We Already Are

All that ever needed to be done, Jesus did.

All that we ever needed to be, Jesus made us.

All that relationship with God was meant to be, Jesus gave us.

We have His finished work as ours, His wholeness as ours, His relationship with the Father as ours! As He is, so are we!

Grace tells us that all we've ever wanted to be, we already are... and all we've ever hoped for our relationship with God to be, we already have. Law says become, achieve, strain, try, attain...but Grace says rest because you already ARE complete and everything already IS fine!

We are already home with Papa, sitting in His lap, held in His arms of love..there is nowhere to try to get to, nothing we need to do, no goal we have to reach or 'great spiritual person' we have to become. We are already complete and perfect and securely in His arms, His beloved children so safe and sound, home forever in His loving presence!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14