Meeting God Face to Face Is Only Positive

A facebook friend, Amy Mester Hendry, said 'all words related to God are positive' - !! I want to just go over that again and again!

ALL words related to God are positive! There is not ONE negative thing at all in relation to or connected with God! He is ALL positive, He is ALL light without a hint of darkness! He is wholly LOVE and KINDNESS and MERCY, not half leniency and half retribution! Yippee, I love that! It's so TRUE! It just resonates with my spirit!!
Wow, that means we really don't have ANYTHING to fear from Him at all!! I think I have had these last nagging vestiges of fear about the after death future, about the second death, about the lake of fire and judgment and fire of God, etc....yet God is ALL positive and meeting Him face to face will thus be the most positive thing that's ever happened to any of us! It will easily and obviously be the best experience of man's existence, not the worst, won't it! Being loved like you always longed to be, always dreamed of being...that will be the most positive, satisfying, wonderful, and ecstatic experience and HIGH ever known! How could that be bad or awful or scary? How could that be painful or hurtful? How could that be ANYTHING other than healing, restorative, joyful, freeing and invigorating!
When we experience Him tangibly, face to face like that, it will be such a JOLT of holy electric love that it will energize us so much we'll live forever just off of that love burst, His lovingkindness being better than life even, better than living forever, more like living in a new dimension outside of time, because time can't even hold enough moments to contain such love, thus it is truly outside time, in the realm of simply being the always NOW, the eternal!!! It's already started for us in the spirit realm, and one day it will be manifested in the tangible realm too! Full of His love presence now and forever! Loved with holy electric jolts of invigorating affection, now and forever! Eternity now and forever!

It's good to hear this message of His love constantly, and to know know know that we have nothing to fear from Him, that all that will happen upon seeing Him face to face is that we'll experience love beyond all imagining, beyond our wildest hopes and dreams!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14