Safe with God

I can be vulnerable before God because He would never hurt me. He would only help me.

"God is a safe place to be." 

Psalm 62:8 (MSG)

God's heart is a haven of quiet rest from the rebukes, pointing fingers, and rejection found so often in this world.  He will never belittle us, ridicule us, or think us odd. We are totally accepted by Him with all our thoughts and emotions.

He is a safe Person.  We can dare to open up to Him and share our real feelings without fear of a rebuke or rejection of our feelings.  He won't be mean but kind.  He wants to build us up, not tear us down.  He always leaves us feeling better, not worse.  He words don't wound, they heal.  He doesn't rebuke but affirms! 

We have been so used to thinking all He wants to do is angrily point out what's wrong with us, but He is busy pointing out what is right with us!  We wait for the "hammer" to fall, but instead grace falls like a waterfall, love pours down like rain, assurance washes over us like a river.  Jesus won't preach law to us but will minister grace every time!  With Him we are truly safe.  His heart is the safest place in the world! 

A Thought: His love makes me feel safe.

Sea of Grace

There is an uplifting quality to God's grace. It is like floating in a vast sea of peace and love that constantly buoys you up.

"He will sustain you."

Psalm 55:22

We are floating in the sea of grace, floating in our Father's endless love. We are light and carefree, buoyed up by His life, resting in the peaceful rolling waters of the living Holy Spirit. Everything is good. Everything is right. We are just where we are supposed to be - in His presence, in His great loving embrace. We have no worries, no cares, no troubles. God takes care of everything. We are floating in the sea of grace.

A Thought: I'm swimming in the ocean of God's love and will never come to the end of it!

Like a Forest Sanctuary

No matter how crazy life gets, we are always in the peaceful presence of God.

"God is our refuge."

Psalm 62:8 (ESV)

We are in the sanctuary of His love, like being in a cathedral of trees deep in the forest. It is peaceful here, shady and cool and refreshing. There is no danger here. His giant love towers over us like the tree sentinels, sheltering us, shielding us from harm. We are safe and protected, cared for and enfolded. We are enfolded in God like being enfolded in the hovering branches of the trees, gently touched by His love like the streams of sunlight gently touch us through the dappled leaves. We are in the quiet place of His presence. We are in the sanctuary of His love.

A Thought: We are always sheltered by God.

One Thing

Thinking about His love for me is so much better than thinking about my problems and worries.

"There’s only one thing you need."

Luke 10:42 (GW)

Worries sometimes swirl about us, cluttering our minds with fear and stress. Our minds can start racing, trying so hard to analyze and solve our problems. We can be like Jesus' friend Martha, worried about so many things, when really only one thing is necessary. We only need one thing, and that is what Martha's sister Mary chose - she sat with Jesus and listened to Him. That is all that is needed - just to be still before Him and hear His words of life to us, soaking in the truth of His grace, love, peace, joy and wisdom. It's wonderful to know we don't have to 'fix' our problems or spend all our time thinking about them. He is taking care of our concerns, so we can sit with Jesus and think about happy and heavenly things, soaking in His words to us of love and grace. 

A Thought: I hear His word to me, and that is all I need.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14