Here are some more quotes from a book called Overwhelmed by Grace, by Kent McQuilkin. These are on God's wonderful love for us. I especially love the last one about God's love being everlasting. I was having a bad week a couple of weeks ago, and God kept bringing that verse to mind over and over again, through people's conversations with me, in books I read..He said to me over and over "My love for you is everlasting." I can't fathom such a love!
Anyway, here are the quotes:
"Jesus is saying to you, 'The greatest thing in all My life is knowing you, loving you, serving you...!' Do you know that God's full attention is never diverted from you for the briefest moment? Do you know He can't stop Himself from gazing on your face in deep love, even for a moment? God is infinite and can deal with all matters at once, but His full attention is on you as though He thought of nothing else."
"God is thinking of me [here he asks us to put our own name in]: 'I love ____ with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3)...I have chosen ____ from the foundation of the world to be My precious treasure (Eph. 1:4,18)'.....
"'His lovingkindness is everlasting' is God's way of saying 'Infinity I love you!'"
Kent McQuilkin