Both God and Human

"He brought in part to mind the height and nobleness of the glorious Godhead, and therewith the preciousness and the tenderness of the blessed Body, which be together united."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 20)

In Jesus God speaks to us and shows us who He is and who we are. Jesus Christ is the joining of God and humanity, the place where God became flesh. He is both 100% fully God and 100% fully human. He is the image of the invisible God and thus shows in visible form what God is like. He shows us that God is all love and kindness, all beauty and grace. He shows us that God is all light, the light of pure love without a trace of darkness, evil or violence. He shows us the height and nobility and greatness of our wonderful Godhead. And at the same time He shows us what true humanity is like. He shows us that humanity is the perfect vessel to contain God's Spirit, that God is perfectly at home in the human body. He shows us there is nothing wrong with our humanity, that it is still very good, just as God made it in His image and likeness. He shows us that humans are precious, and tender and blessed, that we are beautiful and valuable and beloved. So Christ comes to show us the face of God and also the face of humans. If we ever doubt that God is truly good or loving, we can look at Jesus, fully God, and see that God truly is those things to the highest degree. And if we ever wonder if we humans are truly good or loving, we can look at Jesus, fully human, and see that we truly are those things, too. Jesus is the perfect expression of the Godhead and the perfect expression of humanity. And both are very good!

"He has spoken to us by His Son."

Hebrews 1:2 (NIV)

A Prayer: Dear Jesus, in Your eyes I see the Father's love. And in Your eyes, I also see how lovable I am!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14