It Could Not Have Been Done Any Better

"This deed, and this work about our salvation, was ordained as well as God might ordain it. And here I saw a Full Bliss in Christ: for His bliss should not have been full, if it might any better have been done."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 22)

The work Christ did for our salvation was so well planned and well done that the Trinity is full of bliss because of it. God is endlessly satisfied in the offering of the Son who gave Himself in pure and generous love and forgave those who lashed out against Him. And God is endlessly pleased with the victory Christ won over sin, death and shame by bearing our sin to the grave, entering into death and rescuing us from it.  The work is finished and done and complete; there is nothing left for God or us or anyone else to do. We are saved! We are freed! Sin and shame and death are defeated! We're delivered from darkness into light, from death into life, from our sense of alienation into the enjoyment of our union with God. We are alive with Christ forevermore! There is nothing we need to 'do' to get to that point of union life with Christ, for He has finished the work - we are already there! So now we get to enjoy this beautiful union life with Him forever!

"God has brought you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

1 Peter 2:9 (CEV)

A Prayer: Thank You, Jesus that Your salvation work is finished and done! Thank You that there is nothing left for me to do to get to freedom and salvation, for in You I am already there!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14