Jesus Our Heaven

"The inward part is an high, blissful life, which is all in peace and in love: and this was more inwardly felt; and this part is [that] in which mightily, wisely and with steadfast will I chose Jesus to my Heaven."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 19)

Oftentimes when outwardly we are frustrated, angry or emotional, we can sense that there is a deeper, inward part of us that is not going along with those feelings, a part that is calm and steady. This inward part, our deepest self or our spirit, is always at peace and always loving. At our core we are connected with Christ and always looking to Him and receiving His love. Christ is what heaven is all about. His presence is heaven, and that is who is inside of us, His Spirit one with our spirit at all times. When the outer situations or feelings are in turmoil, we can know that our inward part dwells in heaven inside us, just being with Christ. Our truest choice is choosing Him and deep down that's what we want and desire and always choose. Just being with Him is heaven, no matter what we go through here on this earth!

"God's Spirit and our spirits [are] in open communion."

1 Corinthians 2:14 (MSG)

A Prayer: It reassures me that even if my outer emotions and thoughts are in turmoil, deep in my spirit I am choosing You, O Lord, and we are in communion!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14