"And then came to my mind that God hath made waters plenteous in earth to our service and to our bodily ease for tender love that He hath to us, but yet liketh Him better that we take full homely His blessed blood to wash us of sin: for there is no water that is made that He liketh so well to give us. For it is most plenteous as it is most precious: and that by the virtue of His blessed Godhead; and it is [of] our Kind, and all-blissfully belongeth to us by the virtue of His precious love."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 12)
Christ is of our kind, meaning He is our kin. We are family. He, our older brother, came to rescue us when we became captives to sin. And no cost was too great for Him, His love was so strong towards us, even to the point of shedding His own blood, giving His own life so we could be freed. Christ became the ultimate sacrifice to end all sacrifices for sin and show us all our sacrifices for sin are utterly unnecessary. God was never demanding such a sacrifice, but our shame and guilt compelled us to seek one. So He graciously gave us that, and He used His death to conquer sin for us all and take it away. Thus He says to take His blood to wash us of sin. Though many times we feel we need to 'do' something to get rid of the stain of sin on our lives, and we try many religious things to get forgiveness, cleanse ourselves, or somehow make up for our sin, none of that is necessary. Just take His blood as enough to completely deal with it. Consider what He did on the cross as finished and final, God's final word about our sin: Christ took away the sin of the world and it is gone! With sin gone, we are absolutely pure, innocent, and presentable in every way. We are completely forgiven, cleansed, in grace, one with God, freed from captivity to sin and death.There is not a single, solitary religious thing we need to do about our sin. Christ did it all, that's how powerful His precious and plenteous blood is. It is finished!
"Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
John 1:29 (ESV)
A Prayer: Thank You for Your blood shed for me. Thank You that there is nothing I need to do to get rid of my sin, for You already took it away!