"Love was without beginning, is, and shall be without ending"
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 22)
God became a man and walked and talked with us, offered Himself for us, died for us and rose for us. That was a one time event that happened in history. But the love that brought Him to do all that has been going on forever. His love for us is so great that it surpasses all the pain He went through on the cross. His love for us is so great that it makes Him count all that pain as nothing, so long as He rescues the ones He loves. He has been loving us always, eternally, and He will love us always, eternally. It is an unceasing love that has always been and always will be, a love that has never changed and never will change. We have always been loved. We will always be loved. We are being loved right now and now and now by the One who would do absolutely anything for us, all for love!
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases."
Lamentations 3:22 (ESV)
A Prayer: Thank You for Your forever love! It's so good to know I can count on You to always be there for me, loving me.