"[The] glorious Countenance of the Godhead fulfilleth the Heavens with joy and bliss."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 14)
Our beautiful God is such a happy God! His glorious countenance is one of pure joy. He is a smiling, kind, joyful, laughing God. Heaven is God's beautiful presence and it is a presence of pure joy and bliss. One look at His face of joy fills us up with joy! He fills up every moment, every space, every thought, every person with joy and happiness. In His presence we find a delightful party going on, a festive atmosphere, full of much laughter and merriment. For in His presence sorrow and anxiety and fear are all dissolved and everything is light and carefree. Our God is always smiling and joyful, and He is always smiling and joyful towards us, His dearworthy children. He celebrates us and is so delighted with us, His treasures, the favorites of all He created. He smiles because all His children will be home with Him forever, like a wonderful family reunion. He knows there is a great happy ending coming for all, and He makes us to laugh with joy at the freedom and fulfillment He brings - the fulfillment of our deepest dreams of heavenly joy, peace, love and belonging! The happiest place in the universe is in God, and His joy is radiating through everything and turning every sorrow and difficulty into pure joy for us!
"Your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure forever."
Psalm 16:11 )GNT)
A Prayer: It's so good to know You are a happy, smiling God! You fill me up with Your joy!