Walking by Grace

In the past I've spent a lot of time focused on my "Christian Walk." I can still stress about my behavior and wish it were better, that's just the honest truth.  But focusing on my behavior is just law, law, law.  I've been down that road before and it's an absolute dead end.  Focusing on improvement, on getting rid of sin and on what I'm supposed to do only stirs up more sin.  I don't think that's what the scriptures on our "walk" are talking about at all.  I think they are talking about walking not in law but in grace, that is, not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

I've noticed the scriptures that talk about "walking" seem to focus on walking in what's already true.  For example, there are scriptures that say, "Walk as children of light", Walk in love," Walk as wise people," "Walk in Him," Walk worthy," "Walk in wisdom," "Walk in truth," "Walk in newness of life."  It's already true that we are children of light, filled with love, the wisdom of God, in Christ, worthy by His blood, of the truth, and alive and new in Him.  So we just walk in what's really true.  That's the obedience of faith to me, just believing what's true about you and God.

So how do we walk?  Do we obsess about our behavior?  Do we focus on what we ought to be doing, or ought not to be doing?  Or do we simply look at Him and rejoice in what He's already made us?  That's it!  We don't look at our behavior; we look at Him.  We set our minds on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God, where our life is hidden with God in Christ.  We live out of THAT place!  Walking, though it "seems" to be focused on actions, is really focused on resting in Him.  As you have received Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.  That's the rest of faith.  The rest of faith isn't lazy or inactive; it's energizing and world-transforming!

Our walk is a grace walk!  So...Walk in the love and acceptance of God.  Walk knowing you're in His favor.  Knowing He's present in you, and that you're in union with Him always.  Knowing He's done all the work and has made you perfect before Him through Christ - right with Him, accepted by Him, complete in Him, reconciled to Him, loved by Him.  Walk knowing you're not under law, rules and requirements.  Walk knowing the flesh and its passions are crucified and that the old self is dead.  Walk knowing you're a new, righteous, worthy, loving, wise creation.  Walk knowing He's in you and that He's your life - you live by Him.  Walk knowing it's "He living out of me."  To me, that's walking by grace!

                   With love from
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14