On "Surrendering" to God...

In the past I have had a confused idea about 'surrendering to God' - as if by surrendering to Him, He would send some terrible test or painful experience to me to 'teach me a lesson' or that He would immediately demand that I do some difficult ministry or give up all my possessions and even dreams. But now God is showing me that is not what happens upon surrendering to Him! When we open ourselves up to His presence and influence, there is only life, light and healing! There is only joy and peace pushing away all the dark clouds! There is not sudden pain and turmoil but instead the relief from pain and turmoil! Surrender is not a burden but is a relief from all burdens...it is simply letting God love on us! That is all He has ever wanted to do... 

When we surrender to God, we are simply letting Him love on us! We are letting Unconditional Love wash over us! He told Israel that so many times He just wanted to gather them in His arms like a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wing, and shelter and protect and hold them. THIS is the will of God, THIS is His plan for you - to do you GOOD and never, ever to harm you! The thief comes to kill and destroy but Jesus came and gave us abundant LIFE!

So when we 'surrender' to God or simply open up to His presence working in us (He's there already, we simply become aware and stop our striving and let Him do it all), we are letting Healing wash the hurts away..we are letting Understanding soothe and embrace us...we are letting Acceptance banish all feelings of shame...we are letting Kindness wash away the bitterness and hurt...we are letting Light push away the darkness..we are letting Love drive out the fear..we are letting Grace fill us with joy and peace and His very presence..

Surrendering to God is surrendering to healing, joy, peace, freedom, acceptance, security, goodness and LOVE! It's getting a Love bath, a Holy Spirit joy feast, a better-than-you-could-imagine shower of gracegifts! Wow!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14