Merry Christmas, All Is Well!

I just wanted to share one of my favorite Christmas songs, "All Is Well"  - I love this song because it shares so beautifully and so simply what I think Jesus came to show us who felt so orphaned, rejected and alone, awash in a confusing world of fear and struggle, that truly, ALL is well..we are loved, we are carried, we are not alone..God is with us, God is for us, God is here, so all is well!  It was like He came to tell all the lost and confused and hurting little children that Papa is here, everything is okay, and everything is going to ultimately and forever be okay!

I heard a preacher say recently, "if God loves us just as we are, what was the point of Jesus coming?"  And I heard within my spirit the answer ringing out:  "To prove it!"  God proved His love for us in this - He let us kill His Son and still held His arms out in love to embrace us!  He let us do the worst thing we could to Him and then made our crime work backwards on itself, reversing our deed from murder to miraculous resurrection and giving us real life, eternal life, which is the relationship with Him we'd longed for all throughout history and thought we were too far gone to even hope for! 

He loved us at our worst behavior!  Accepted us when we felt at our lowest!  Thus He freed us from the shadow world we'd been living in, freed us from the lies we'd been bound by, lies that said we were unworthy, awful, filthy, hopeless, orphaned...

Daddy came and turned the light on in that dark room in which we were suffocating, and suddenly we saw!  The people in great darkness saw a great light, the light of God's love and favor in the beautiful face of a vulnerable baby, the strong support of a brother to us all who walked right alongside of us in solidarity with us and shared our sorrows and pains, a friend on the cross loving those who betrayed Him and called them innocent, a triumphant deliverer who unlocked the prisonhouse of the fear of death by conquering death and showing us a happy ending awaits in Papa's arms!

He silenced forever the idea that we had to work our way into God's favor, showing us that reality is "God For Us"..and He silenced forever the idea that we were far from God and unacceptable, showing us that reality is "God With Us!"  He came to prove His love for us all, to prove to us when all 'natural evidence' seemed to point against us and accuse us and condemn us, that really all is well!

All is well between us and God:  He'd never been vindictive or punishing but has been accepting and gracious all along..
All is well in His stance towards us:  He'd always loved us and called us His own..
All is well in our own lives  in the deepest and most ultimate way:   He's always been there for us inside, Christ being revealed IN us as our very own life!
All is eternally well and nothing can change that:  we have been carried along by grace all along and there's never been a doubt whether we'd have a happy ending!
All is well and nothing can take that away:  it was never up to us anyways, but always up to Him, and He never fails!

How wonderful when this blessed Light dawned on this world to show us the peace we have with Him, to show us the oneness we have with Him, to show us the relationship of pure love and acceptance we have with Him, to show us we've always been part of the divine family circle of and are wanted, understood, known, celebrated, embraced, and cherished just as we are!

I just want to say to all my dear friends here how thankful I am for each of you, and how much I wish each of you beloveds a wonderful, peaceful, grace-full Christmas in the blessed joy that for time and eternity, because we are unconditionally loved and held by such a Savior who rescued us from all darkness, confusion and lies, All Is Well!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14