He Has Us in His Heart...

He has us in His heart,

in the eternal realm -

where there isn't any failure,

where there isn't any shame,

where there isn't any pressure to perform,

where we have never done anything wrong and never will,

where we have never been wounded and never will,

where we are safe and secure,

where we are accepted unconditionally,

where we are pure and sweet and beloved,

where there is no stress,

where there is no struggle,

where there is no worry about doing right and avoiding wrong,

where there is no need to become because we just ARE,

where everything just IS,

where we will forever BE our true selves -

the unconditionally loved children of God,

in sweet communion with Him,

filled with His fullness of LIFE and LOVE and LIGHT!

THAT'S where we are!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14