Our Daily Grace: Found By God

"We don't have to make sure our life is free of sin to find God. God has found us, regardless of our situation, regardless of our condition."

Mike Yaconelli

"If I ride on the wings of morning, if I make my home in the most isolated part of the ocean, even then You will be there to guide me; Your right hand will embrace me, for You are always there."

Psalm 139:9-10

God has found us. He accepts us as we are, in whatever place we are.  He follows after us no matter what, with goodness and mercy. He is there waiting for us, no matter where we go. He meets us every time we turn around with all His love, encouragement and help.  We are surrounded by the love and care of God!

A thought:  Wherever I am, God is there with me!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14