A God Who Serves

"When Jesus wraps a towel around his waist and washes the feet of his disciples he gives us a portrait of the unseen Father, who holds all things together—visible and invisible—as an unassuming, humble servant...God is....kneeling on the floor of the universe, towel in hand, ready to do the menial work that holds all things together, the work of a love that does not seek attention, does not boast, is not rude or jealous, that keeps no record of wrongs, that does not fail..."

Kenneth Tanner

"I am among you as one who serves."

Luke 22:27 (NLT)

We do not need to ever fear our God, because He came to us as a vulnerable, helpless little baby, and He always lived in tenderness, humility and service - holding little children, taking time for outcasts, washing dusty feet. Jesus came and showed us what God is really like - a humble caretaker of humanity, meeting our needs and always pouring out love and devotion on us. He is a God who does not seek the spotlight but works behind the scenes to take care of us all. He identifies with the poor, the lonely, the vulnerable, the weak.  He stoops down to love, dignify and serve the littlest, the lowest and the least. We are safe in the care of this gentle God!

A Thought: God kneels down to serve the world!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14