Love, Not Punishment

God's love and mercy towards His creation triumph over any notions of judgment or punishment. 

"Mercy triumphs over judgment."

James 2:13

People may hear that "God's justice demands that He punish sin." Actually, His justice (righteousness, fairness) demands that He heal sin, since He is responsible for creating this world and allowed the option to sin to exist here, thus allowing sin and suffering and death to happen. If God allowed sin to happen in His creation, it would only be fair and responsible that He repair the damage caused by sin to His creation. So whatever goes wrong with us humans, who were just born into this broken world, He is responsible for bringing restoration and healing. God is a good, kind, committed caretaker of His creation!

The truth, then, is that God is Love. And His Love demands that He heal and remove sin from His beloved humans and His beloved creation! There is no way He would let sin keep hurting us, His created children who are called His own offspring! There is no way He would let confusion, lies, and suffering keep His created offspring from enjoying Him and His presence!

A Thought: It is not that God's justice demands that He punish us for sin but that God's love demands that He liberate us from sin!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14