You Are the Child God Always Wanted

Here's a special quote from Steve McVey that I read recently:

"You are the child God always wanted."

I come down hard on myself sometimes, wishing I could do better or be better.  I compare myself to others and come up short in my eyes.  I wish I could chage parts of my personality or be more like someone else...

I was doing that a little recently, and then I ran across this quote.  I felt such a quiet peaceful breeze blow over me spiritually.  I felt renewed.  What relief to be reminded that I am the child God always wanted, accepted as I am even now with my imperfections and quirks.

We can all say, "I am the child God always wanted!  I am wanted and loved, just as I am, warts and all.  I am special to God, with the personality, interests, and abilities that He gave me and delights in me having.  I am loved and valued for free by grace, not by what I have to be or do to "look" acceptable.  I don't have to be anyone else but me.  God delights over me and sings over me!"

I believe that is true of every person on this earth.  To each one, God says, "You are the child I've always wanted."  We are all uniquely made by God, and we all have dignity, beauty and worth as His creation.  God loves us just as we are with our unique personalities and quirks.  I needed to hear that today!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14