There's a Place in God's Heart for Us

There's a wonderful place where we find we truly are accepted and cherished.

There's a wonderful place where we truly belong.

There's a wonderful place where we are safe and secure.

There's a wonderful place where we are delighted in and cherished.

There's a wonderful place where we are held and embraced.

It's a Spirit place.  It's in our Father's arms, and the Holy Spirit makes us to be able to experience being in His presence, in His arms.  That's where He has already put us in Christ.  Christ has brought us into the very presence of God and we are safe in His hands, with noone (even ourselves) able to pluck us out!

He's got us where He wants us, in His embrace!  Safe!  Hugged!  Right where He wants us, so He can love on us forever and sing songs over us, shower blessings on us, enjoy being with us in fellowship!

And the Spirit is sent into our hearts to flood us with the love of God and let us really experience that wonderful relationship of intimacy in Daddy's arms that we have!

We will be IN HIS ARMS forever!

Think about it - God has a special place in His arms, in His heart, that only YOU can fill.  We talk about us having a God-shaped hole in our hearts, right, that only He can fill?  Well, I remember hearing Kim Walker, a singer with Jesus Culture, talking about a conversation she had with God where He showed her that HE had a spot in His heart that was just her shape, a place where only she would fit, that was just for her!

We each have a special place in His heart!  We are special to Him and He has a special place in Himself that is just for us, a place where we can rest in Him and feel the weight of our worries fall off our shoulders, a place where we are taken in and loved completely, unreservedly, unconditionally.  Like a little child, at rest in their daddy's arms.  That is a place where we can finally REST and be at peace, in quietness, safe, secure, comforted, taken care of, understood, a place where we know everything is okay, Daddy's handling everything for us.  A place where we find ourselves WHOLE, with the broken places mended and the darkness and confusion gone, a place of restoration of lost hopes and of renewed hope where hope had been lost.  It's the place of the Spirit.  It's the center of God's heart!  That's where we are today and tomorrow and forevermore!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14