Jesus On the Cross

Thank You, Jesus, that on the cross, You took away, removed, and killed off:

my sin

my shame

my pain

my sorrow

my hurt

my loneliness

my infirmities

my weaknesses

my ruin

my condemnation

my fear

my anguish

my corruption

my waywardness

my sinful nature

my rebellion

my pride

my lust

my anger

my deceit

my folly

my bondage

my guilt

my punishment

my darkness

my old self

my death

And all that is gone, taken away, removed as far as the east is from the west, killed off for good, put in the grave never to rise again!

Thank You that You, the Lamb of God, took away the sins of the world and all the effects of those sins, all the ruin and hurt and condemnation and death that they caused.  Thank You that we can believe that You really did die for us and rise again to remove all the bad and bring in all the good, and that we can call on Your name and be saved and experience all You did for us!  Thank You that in that simple way of faith in Your finished work, we are born again and experience real Life, Your Life, as part of Your family forever.  You died to give us a wonderful and intimate relationship with You.  Thank You, dear Jesus, for Your great sacrifice of Love!  Thank You for loving us and delivering us from the hand of the enemy and thank You for delivering us from our sin and all the trouble and bondage it brought!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14