The Good News Is That It Is Already Done!

The good news, the gospel of grace, is that we are loved, accepted, home-free, righteous, and safe - forever - all by God's doing through Jesus' finished work, without us having to do a thing...
His work really is finished and done!  The work is really over, it has really all been done for you by Jesus.  So there is no 'try' or 'must' or 'you should do this' or 'you need to become more that' - there is only the wonderful message that all you've wanted to be, you already ARE, and the place you've wanted to be at, you already ARE at - you are His beloved and precious child, safely tucked into His arms, and He will never let you go.

Since you are already in His arms, you don't have to do anything or become anything to get in His arms!! You don't have to fear anything...You don't have to worry about anything...You don't have to 'do' anything!  Hallelujah, what a Savior!
The message of Grace, of Christ's complete and finished work on our behalf, is the only thing that truly brings relief to our weary hearts...We find in Him true REST for our souls!  
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14