Unlosable Grace..

You cannot run so far as to get away from His grace...
You cannot slip so far as to slip out of His grace..
You cannot doubt so much as to lose His grace..
You cannot fail so much as to forfeit His grace..

You are IN grace and you are never going to be OUT!
He is always going to be there for you, always going to love you, always going to keep you, always going to hold you!
Grace has brought us safe thus far and grace will bring us home..
Safe forever with Him, hallelujah!

Grace is for the broken, the messed up, the unqualified, the ruined, the confused, the doubtful, the failure - grace is for me and for you!
Grace is for those who are running from God, not seeking God, rebelling against God, confused, blind, and hurting - grace is for me and for you!
Grace runs after the least, the last and the lost, runs after the rebel, the selfish, the proud, and grace overtakes us all and wraps us in His arms!
Grace goes into every ditch and hole and pit we have dug for ourselves and grace lifts us up into His embrace forever!

We don't have to qualify for grace or do anything to get it..our failures qualify us for it, and it comes to us constantly through no effort of our own!

We are upheld by an indestructible life, an unconditional love, an unlosable grace - Jesus Himself, Mr. Grace, upholds us in His loving arms always, for He is the same yesterday, today and forever!! We are safe forever in His arms!

No matter what we do, or don't do, His grace upholds and keeps us and is FOR us! For grace doesn't depend on us in any way, therefore nothing we do, or don't do, could cause that grace to stop being there for us!

He will never fail us..
And He will never let us totally fail!
We are safe in His arms, upheld by unlosable GRACE!
We cannot fall out of those arms, we cannot be lost from His love!

Law/Religion is unwinnable...
Grace/Love is unlosable!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14