Is God a Poor Parent?

So often in the past I have projected onto God the character of a very poor parent - mostly angry, detached, always disappointed, always asking for more, wanting only slavish service and good behavior so we can "make Him look good", noting every fault, quick to punish...If that were true about God, then even the most mediocre earthly parent would be better at their job than God Himself!

But God is not like that at all! He's the Perfect Parent! Even if His kids are messed up, we're still His joy and delight!  No failure on our part could ever change His love for us or come between us in any way, for we'll always be His dearly loved kids.  He doesn't treat us in ways that shame us but in ways that free us; His goal isn't to point out our faults but to lavish His love on us and see us smile when we realize how much He really cares.  He loves to cuddle us in His arms and promises He always will hold us close.  He wants to let us know that no matter what, He'll be on our side, loving us forever. What's on His mind is not our behavior but just how precious we are to Him.

God is the Perfect Daddy with the Perfect Love for us, a love that will outlast any doubts, failures, or inconsistencies on our part.  He will love us always, and that love relationship we have with Him is the whole reason behind His creation of us.  Why do people have children anyway?  They have children not because they want slaves or servants but because they want to love someone in that special family way!  Isn't that why God wanted a family, too?  I've often assumed what He wants most from us is our obedience, as if we were created for that.  But what He wants most is to love on us in that special family way!  And even when we mess up, we are still His pride and joy!  We are parented by the best Daddy in the universe!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14