
Two voices:

Me:  If only I could get my spiritual act together!

Grace:  You're perfect for Me - perfect!

Me:  What about my struggles, my sins...

Grace:  You're perfect for Me - perfect!

Me:  But my fears, worries, doubts, they hold me down..

Grace:  You're perfect for Me - perfect!

Me:  If only I could figure out this idea of Grace - I can't understand!

Grace:  You're perfect for me - perfect!  And we have a perfect relationship - perfect!

This is me so many times, and Grace Himself keeps reminding me that I'm perfect to Him...perfect!  And our relationship is perfect right now...perfect!  Not based on my doing or merit but on His...And that means so much!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14