Ocean Waves And Grace

When I was a child my family used to enjoy vacations at the beach.  My dad was an early riser, and he loved to go out and walk on the beach at sunrise and look for shark's teeth along the shore.  Now I loved to be with my daddy, and often he would wake me up while it was still half-dark to go with him on these early morning walks.  Some of my favorite memories are of those walks on the beach with my dad.  We just walked and looked at the sun rising over the waves.  He would show me where I could find shark's teeth (once I even found one that was an inch long - yes, I'm bragging), and I would look for my favorite shells, the ones with the pretty little spots on them.  Dad would try to capture the sunrise on film, and we would walk for a long way down the uncrowded beach.

It was peaceful and perfect.  I felt like I could look at that sea forever, with the sunshine dancing like diamonds on its shimmery surface.  The sound of the waves coming ashore was so soothing and just went on forever.  The waves just relentlessly caressed the sand...

Grace is, to me, like those sea waves.  Grace always comes to us.  Just like a person standing in the waves of the sea, we stand in His grace and it washes over us and over us and over us.  It's a never ending and constant supply.  His grace and love and presence are more than sufficient for every situation we face, every need we have, every day we live.  The grace we were saved by His the grace we live by, and His grace will never fail.  Grace always comes to us, as steady and sure as the waves rolling in upon the shore.  It can never be stopped, it can never be diminished, it can never be diverted.  At our lowest point, it will still wash over us!  His grace always comes to us.  We are standing and wading and running and diving and floating in the sea of His grace!

Grace to me is just the unconditional love and acceptance of God expressed in Jesus through His finished work.  He pours grace on us to show us it's safe to approach Him, safe to confide in Him, safe to trust Him.  He pours it on us to show us that we're reconciled and there's nothing standing between us because of the cross.  He  pours it on us to show us that we don't have to deserve His love.  He pours it on us so we can be one with Him in perfect fellowship, and He makes every day special because He loves us.  He's our Father and friend.  He loves to be with us and just walk through life with us, and as Brennan Manning says, just being together is an end in itself.  We are blessed to walk through the waves of grace with our Heavenly Daddy always!

Running through the waves of grace with Jesus today...

                         With love,
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14