I've been thinking lately about relationship. We are told that Christianity is all about relationship. I spent so many years of my Christian life unable to enjoy this relationship because I thought there were so many things I had to attain first. Since I didn't know I was already forgiven, accepted, right with God, in fellowship with Him, and in union so intimate that we are one, I worked very hard to try to get those things. I felt God was disappointed and frustrated with me, felt He was always wanting me to do better. It didn't make me feel very bold and confident in our relationship. Then a beautiful thing called grace happened and God opened my eyes to the fact that I already was forgiven, accepted, etc. God suddenly became Someone approachable, not scary or distant. I suddenly realized He wasn't angry or demanding but truly loving. He is still teaching me so much about who He is and helping me see how safe and kind He is. Now I can finally begin to enjoy that relationship we have had all along. Which got me thinking...what does that relationship involve?
To me, the relationship with a good friend involves:
-just hanging out together
-being able to be yourself
-feeling complete acceptance
-the presence of trust
-doing fun things together
-sharing your dreams, hopes, hurts and fears
-not having to worry about rejection
-being understood
-continued love even when you've done wrong
-sympathy and compassion
-taking up for the person against their detractors
-believing in them and encouraging them
-seeing the good in them they cannot see in themselves
My best friend Jesus has been all these things to me. When I have failed, He has lifted my face and smiled on me rather than giving a stinging rebuke. When I have been anxious and sad, He has hurt right along with me. When I have been afraid and thought I would panic with fear, He has given me a sense of His presence and peace so real that it can't be put in words. He never leaves me but is my constant companion through all my ups and downs. When I get down on myself, He loves me. When I compare myself to others and come up short, He says I'm okay in His book. When I forget grace, He reminds me of it over and over again. When I need encouragement, He gives it somehow, some way. He accepts me and loves me as I am! That is how my Dear Friend Jesus is with me.
He doesn't ever harm us but only loves. He doesn't ever get irritated and won't ever leave no matter what our messy problems. He doesn't mistreat us but only has the most tender compassion. He doesn't lecture us on our faults but sees the good in us we can't even see. He doesn't beat up on us when we are down but instead sticks up for us when we are down. He is never harsh with us but always gentle and sensitive. He never speaks words of angry rebuke but only words that build up and minister grace to us.
He laughs with us and cries with us. He walks with us through our pain and feels that pain with us. He loves everything about our personality and finds us an interesting delight. He loves being with us, even just doing nothing. He never feels that time spent with us is wasted but instead treasures every moment with us. He shares our dreams and hopes. He smiles on us always. He's so faithful and good, and our hearts are safe with Him. We couldn't ask for a better Friend than Him! And that is the Person we will be in relationship with for all time! Christianity is just walking through eternity with our Best Friend...
With love,