Everlasting Love

"He showed unto mine understanding, in part, the blessed Godhead, stirring then the poor soul to understand, as it may be said, that is, to think on, the endless Love that was without beginning, and is, and shall be ever."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 24)

As long as God has been God, God has been love. God was love forever in the past, God is love right now in the present moment, and God will always be love forever in the future. There has never been a time when God was not loving, and there never will be. Endless Love is simply who God is.  All the members of the Trinity family are constantly pouring out love for each other. And all the members of the Trinity family are constantly pouring out love for each of us. There has never been a time God wasn't loving you and me, and there never will be a time God isn't loving you and me. And right now, in this moment, no matter who we are or what we have done, believed, or become, God is loving us. God is loving us with all the love the Trinity has to give. God is loving us completely, unreservedly, unconditionally, abundantly, exuberantly. There is nothing God would rather do than love on us right now and now and now! We are the beloveds of God. We may think we are unworthy, inferior, forgotten, or uncared for. But this isn't true. We are precious, we are delighted in, we are worthy of all the love in the universe! Can we stop for a moment and realize how loved we are, known and understood completely, embraced just as we are by the biggest Love in all of existence? We always have been and we always will be, loved!

"I have always loved you and I always will love you. My faithful love for you continues for ever."

Jeremiah 31:3 (EASY)

A Prayer: I love being loved by You!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14