Christmas With My Daddy

Growing up, I was blessed to have the greatest daddy in the world.   He delighted in giving me gifts, whether homemade (like a treehouse) or store bought (like a pretty dress).  One Christmas I decided that I wanted a little musical snowman that played "Frosty the Snowman".  So I told my daddy - on Christmas Eve! - that I really wanted this present.  And sure enough, after dinner on Christmas Eve my daddy disappeared out the door to the overcrowded store.  I smiled to myself in my self-centered little way, knowing my daddy would get me whatever I wanted.

Next morning, I ran into the living room to see my presents and there was a little box.  I quickly opened it and found, not a musical snowman, but a little figurine - a boy with a lantern - that played "We Wish You A Merry Christmas".  No Frosty the Snowman music box!  My daddy explained that the store had been sold out of the Snowman music box.  Of course in my childishness I was disappointed, but over the following weeks and months I began to like the little boy with the lantern more and more.  After a while I forgot about old Frosty.

The seasons passed and I grew one year older.  Christmas was already here again.  As always, early on Christmas morning I ran in to see my presents.  There was a curious little white box among the other gifts.  I opened it, and there was the Frosty the Snowman music box!  My daddy had remembered I wanted it.  He had remembered for a WHOLE YEAR a silly girl's Christmas wish.  And he had seen to it that the wish was fulfilled!  That's just the kind of daddy I have!

My earthly daddy is the best daddy in the world!  And it amazes me that his love for me is just a tiny picture of the great love of my heavenly Daddy! 

We have a heavenly Daddy who loves us beyond our human understanding.  Our heavenly Daddy is kind and gentle towards us.  He values us as His precious children.  He holds us close to His heart and won't ever let us go.  He knew the deepest wish of our heart was to be unconditionally loved and embraced and He fulfilled that wish through Jesus.  He delighted in giving us the gift of His Life and His Love.  He knew it was just the gift we wanted and needed, and He went through so much to give it to us.  His love for us will outlast any circumstance or any foolish action on our part.  His love for us will last forever!

He loves us just as much as He loves His Son, Jesus!

(P.S. I love you, Dad!  Merry Christmas!)
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14