We Are In The Victor, Jesus

Satan is the accuser.  He tells us we're awful sinners, that God won't love us after what we just did, that we'll never be any better, that God has rejected us....ALL LIES!

The Holy Spirit is the comforter.  He tells us we're righteous, that God loves us just the same even after what we just did, that we're already perfect in Jesus, that God will never, ever reject us...ALL TRUTH!

So Satan or the flesh or human doctrines lie to us, trying to put condemnation on us - so what!  Those things are still lies: no matter how terrible they make us feel, they are not the truth!  We're still ever and only OKAY, ALRIGHT, and PERFECT because of and in Jesus, and there is NO condemnation on us!  That won't change! On the cross He took away our sins and forgave us for all time without us doing anything!  And then when we believed, He made us alive with Him for all time!  What's done is done, especially if God is the One who does the doing!  He says, "I make, and who can unmake it?" 

Satan is a defeated foe!  He's fallen and he can't get up!  We are in the Victor, Jesus, and have already won in Him!  That victory WILL come out!  No matter what crap this world or evil throws at us, we're winners in Him and that's the fact!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14