Our Daily Grace: One Spirit, Perfect Harmony

"In your deepest personhood, your desires are not in conflict with God's will. Your deepest being always wants to do your Father's will, just as Jesus wanted to do His Father's will."

Dan Stone

"In our union with Him we are one spirit with the Lord."

1 Corinthians 6:17

Deep down our spirit is one with Christ's spirit;  They are in such a union that they are simply called ONE.  Deep in that inner holy place, we move in perfect harmony with Christ.  We want what He wants.  We love what He loves.  We choose what He chooses.  The deepest part of us is good because the deepest, holiest, most sacred and beautiful part of us is truly Christ, and we are one with Him there in that quiet place of rest.  We are not struggling to be better, trying to get rid of bad thoughts, or needing to turn from rebellion.  We are ONE, in perfect unity with Him.  All we want deep down is to know His love and to be a lover.  Can you see that in yourself?  Deep down, don't you want to love and be kind?  Yes, you do.  That is the real you, flowing forth from perfect oneness with Christ who IS pure Love! The deepest part of you is made of God's own Spirit of Love, so how could you be anything other than loving, too?

A thought: Deep down I am in perfect harmony with Love.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14