Our Daily Grace: Shame vs. Love

"Shame: 'There's something in the core of who I am that is worthless.' Love: 'There's something in the core of who I am that is priceless.'"

Rich Villodas

"The proof of God's amazing love is this: that it was while we were sinners that Christ died for us."

Romans 5:8

Sometimes there can be a voice of shame in our head, telling us we are worthless.  Yet Love tells a different story.  To love someone is to place value on them, to see them as precious. God, who is Love, tells us we are not worthless but are in fact priceless!  What is our worth?  Christ says our worth is equal to His own life! He would really rather die than have to be without us. And He didn't die for us once we improved ourselves; He saw worth in us, gave His life to bring us home to God, even while we were in our failures and messes. You are just as valuable as Christ and you are loved just as much as Christ. That is your value. The voice of shame is just a lie.  The voice of Love is God's truth about you!  

A thought: I am of ultimate value to God!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14