Ou Daily Grace: Perfect

"Just remember, everything is perfect."

Source Unknown

"I'll see to it that everything works out for the best."

Isaiah 54:17

In the swirling winds of this life, God is unruffled.  He isn't surprised by anything that has happened.  He isn't caught off guard without any idea of how to proceed.  In the center of it all, He is there in infinite peace, love and strength!  He is calm.  He is stable. He has everything under control.  His perfect and loving plan is going forward, and nothing can stop it.  He is infusing every moment with grace, holding us securely in His love, working through every situation to bring good, bringing everything to its perfect conclusion. He will make sure everything works our for the very best. Somehow, everything is perfect.

A thought: Every moment is filled with God.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14