Our Daily Grace: God's Wonders

"Every human being has a spark of genius...an interest, talent, or passion, something at which he or she excels or can excel."

Stephen Spahn

"I thank You because I am awesomely made, wonderfully; You works are wonders - I know this very well."

Psalm 139:14

You are a wonder, a marvel, an awesome creation of the infinitely Creative God!  There are treasures of creativity inside you, marvels that you contain, passions at which you can excel.  You have a special spark of His divine creativity in you, a spark of genius, a beauty that is unique to you and that only you can share.  You are special, one of a kind. Just by being yourself, you bring something lovely to this world, something that makes this world brighter and more beautiful! Feel free to share your giftings and wonder-full-ness, because the world needs what you have to share!

A thought: There is something marvelous inside me that will brighten this world!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14