Our Daily Grace: God Our Mother

"The mother feeds her child with her milk, but our beloved Mother Jesus feeds us with Himself."

Julian of Norwich

"I will comfort you like a mother comforting her child."

Isaiah 66:13

Just as God is our True Father, He is our True Mother.  What a beautiful image this brings to mind!  Like the most perfect mother, He is tenderly caring for us, gently holding us, wrapping us warmly in His love, protecting and nurturing us.  He is looking at us with adoration and delight and smiling at us, hoping to see us smile back at Him.  He is speaking softly to us, comforting and soothing us, and nourishing us with His own life. We are His little bundles of joy - we bring such joy to Him, like a newborn brings to a proud mother.  We mean the whole world to Him!  We are always little babies held so gently in the motherly arms of God, snuggled close to His heart!

A thought: He is a Mother to me!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14