Our Daily Grace: Our Value

 "Our performance is never a measure of our worth - His Love is the measure of our worth."

Susannah St. John

"You are precious in My sight, and honored, and I love you."

Isaiah 43:1

Our value is not determined by our performance. Our value is determined by His Love, and that Love is infinite, eternal and unconditional!  That means our worth and value is infinite, eternal and unconditional. Just as our own children are worth the world to us and we would do anything for them, so we are priceless and beyond valuable to Him, worth the whole cosmos times infinity! For the magnitude of our dignity and honor before Him is beyond infinite, beyond price, beyond understanding. You are His treasure, His whole world. You mean everything to Him!

A Thought: I have infinite worth to God.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14