Our Daily Grace: God Rejoices

"That which strengthens me most is the joy that God has over me."

Bertie Brits

"Love rejoices in the truth."

1 Corinthians 13:6

God rejoices in the truth about you.  He rejoices in the truth your belovedness.  He rejoices in the truth your uniqueness as His one-of-a-kind creation.  He rejoices in the truth of you being His dear child.  He rejoices in you, beautiful, sweet, pure, perfect, adorable and lovely you, because He rejoices in the truth and that's what's really true about you! 

A thought: I fill God with joy!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14