Our Daily Grace: Worthy

"You have judged your children worthy of love.  Now you know Papa's heart!"

Marie Louise

"Everyone is worthy of love."

Romans 12:10

Every single person is worthy and deserving of love just by being God's creation.  He has made each of us and scripture calls us all God's offspring.  Parents think the world of their children, believe them worthy of honor and blessing.  That's just how our Heavenly Dad feels towards us!  Each of us has dignity and beauty and is worthy of respect, honor, concern, compassion and care.  Jesus came to save the lost little children of God.  No matter how lost and small we think we are, Jesus came for us.  He thinks we are worth looking for, worth caring for, worth dying for!  We need never think we are unworthy again!

A thought: I am deserving of God's love and care.

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14